Had a great Paddy's Day. Drank at a Bia Hoi 'till 6 am and then went to Finnegan's pub. Prices were a bit steep (20,000 for a glass), but had great craic.

The 18th was brutal. Went to a club after Finnegans where I lost my camera somewhere. Its my 3rd digital camera to become a stranger on this trip! After that, couldn't find my hotel for an hour or two and when I did, I found that I had lost my key. That meant that I had to sleep on the hotel sofa till 1. After that they charged me an extra night cause I wasn't checked out by midday! Just found out that Ireland are playing tonite and not tomorrow as I has first thought, unfortunately I booked a train ticket north to Lao Cai yesterday for tonite. What a f*%kin day!
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