Here in Siem Reap in northern Cambodia at the moment. The temples of
Angkor are just 5km out of town. We bought a 3 day pass yesterday for $40. Their tuc-tucs here consist of a 100cc motorcycle with a trailer pulled behind, which seats two people comfortably. The hired a guy yesterday for 6 hours to bring us around some of the temples for $6 and gave the guy today $7.
The big thing here is seeing the sunrise over Angkor. To do this you have to rise aboout 4:30am, get a tuc-tuc to the temples for around 5 and wait - we arose at 1pm today after a heavy night so no sunrise! Best news we had all day was that it was cloudy this morning and no one could see the sun :)

We went out today and met an Irish guy at one of the temples, we talked for two hours, looked at another temple and went home. Tomorrow is our last day here, so we better try and see some more stuff.