White Mitsubishi

I can get the car transferred into my name for $9.20 at the post office. I tried today but I was told I needed my passport as well as my driving license. Since I'm off down to New Plymouth tomorrow (7 hour drive), I may leave it 'till there, no point getting any speeding fines sent to me.
Its the first car that I officially own. I had one in Oz, but accidentally failed/forgot to change the registration into my name - police are still looking for one Eithne O'Reilly, after her car hitch reversed through someone's Hi-Ace van radiator in Alice Springs :)
Car insurance isn't compulsory here! In Australia, its included in your Registration but not here. It costs about $180 for three months 3rd party fire and theft insurance, but the excess is over $1000. I think I'll go without it for the minute. If I hit a Merc, its off to the airport for the first plane home!
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