All Systems Go
Have managed to get my train ticket to Kiev (8300 TE) and Russian transit visa (7800 TE). It involved a bit of to-ing and fro-ing between the train station and embassy but now all is good. I hope its the last visa that I have to get on this trip! The train leaves at 11pm tonight and takes about 42 hours. From the seat/bed number, I think I have the bottom bunk (each compartment has two bunk-beds), which is good as I fell out of my bed on the way to Shymkent last week. I'm missing the biggest game of the Urranian soccer season between Kiev and Donetsk - hope its a draw.
Shared my room with an old Russian guy last night, not a word of English. I tried to tell him I didn't understand Russian by pointing to my ears - he took this to mean I was slightly deaf. He was shouting at me for about thirty minutes. Not sure about what, but boxing and Klitchko came in some where. He showed me his ID and medal from WII (being the day that it was), he was 14 when it ended!

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